Amy Crehore — Deja Vu Waltz

Amy Crehore Deja Vu Waltz

Amy Crehore: Deja Vu Waltz

Surrealist Amy Crehore’s work is like a collision between Hieronymus Bosch, a nursery rhyme and a turn of the century traveling carnival. Her provocative, dream-like paintings explore the free-associations of the unconscious and often include musical themes and elements.

Amy Crehore Feed the Bear Blues

Amy Crehore: Feed the Bear Blues

Crehore is a nationally known artist who has done work for Rolling Stone, Playboy, Esquire, Redbook and other top magazines. In addition to her skills in graphics, design and fine arts, she has a deep interest in vintage music, vintage instruments and ukuleles.

Amy Crehore Monkey Love Song

Amy Crehore: Monkey Love Song

To see more of her wonderful work visit

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