Music in the Time and Paintings of Vermeer

Vermeer The Music Lesson

Vermeer: The Music Lesson

If someone suggested that you check out an exhaustive scholarly examination of something you would probably suddenly remember that you have a previous engagement and turn and run. will turn your preconceived notions about dry academic tomes on their head.

The site presents its subject with a modern sense of production values that would make the History Channel proud, without the usual dumbing down associated with popular “histor-tainment.” Among it’s many gems, has an entire section on the importance of music in Vermeer’s work. In addition to a painting by painting look at the instruments and musical scenes depicted, there are also numerous MP3 recordings of period music that help bring the period (mid 17th century) to life.

(Example Lute Music HERE)

Vermeer The Guitar Player

Vermeer: The Guitar Player

Visit to see (and hear) more.

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